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I am having trouble advancing past the first day. I can never advance because the game either crashes or stops completely.

I have heard some others with the same issue, but so far I haven't been able to locate the issue. Do you have a file called ctfm.log you can attach here?

Yes. I'll attach that here. And by the way, from what I have been able to do in the game, I think It's really fun. Great work! file:///C:/Users/lebla/Documents/CTFM%200.8.2/CTFM/CTFMlog.txt 

I think this link might work

Thanks but the link is to your local machine, so could you instead send the file to :-)

Please check the newest version just released since it should fix the issue

Thank you. And I'll send the file

Hello I tried downloading your game but i dont know how to run CTFootballManager.exe

Hi, you just need to double click the exe-file. Remember to have .NET framework installed on your PC


Just downloaded the game today; the Release 0.8.1 file.  The game loads fine, I create a profile, and then whenever I try to start a season whether Arcade or Prestige, I select my team and the game freezes after that... Have uninstalled and reinstalled on a couple of occasions now.  Any help??

(1 edit)

Have you downloaded the mod pack (for real teams)  or are you playing with the ones included in the original version? ("dummy" teams)

And could you please check if you have any new entries in ctfm.log? 

Else please try to play the game as admin, since it could very well be because the game aren't allowed to write in the needed folder

I did download the mod pack for "real teams", so perhaps something is hanging up there? 

I'm not quite sure what constitutes a "new entry" on the ctfm.log file; I'm sorry I'm not that tech-savvy but I've found the file, I can open it and see all of the programming language , but not sure what I'm looking for... I can provide the file for review if need be?

How does one play the game as an "admin"?  Willing to try anything as it looks like such a fun/cool game concept I want to "dive in" and try it out!  Thanks!

Please try to run the game one time without the "real teams", and for running as admin you need to locate your CTFootballManager.exe-file, right click on it and select "Run as Administrator".

I have the same problem, and the cftm.log doesn't even show up, and when I choose a team in prestige, it just loads continuously and never loads the game.

Does it happens everytime you select prestige or is it only a few times?

I am having trouble to save the game.  Any ideas on what I am not doing or what I may be doing incorrectly?

Is the issue saving a game or is it loading a saved game?

The issue is loading a saved game, cuz I've hit save every place I've seen "save"

Could you please try to sent the saved game to

That is the issue, I can't save any thing.  Every time I load the game, I'm back to ground zero.  If need be I can just wait for the next update & see.  I've started Arcade, no luck saving.  I've started Career, again nothing saved.

When are you gonna update?

Not sure since I am fully occupied at work, so I have no time for the game at the moment

O shit, I totally get that. Take your time bro, i love your game though.

Thanks :-)

Yea and the bug of it crashing is still in it. It could be with the amount of people playing it, it slows the whole thing dow

In Prestige mode I know your aware of this but I keep becoming akron.

Thanks for reporting that since we wasn't aware of that

(1 edit)

I really like the game but in arcade Players are getting 6,000+ yards and putting up 50+ PPG, also Hail Mary is OP.

When a team loses they should drop like 8-9 ranks unless your beat by like a top 10 or top 5 team... maybe even top 15

Good pointe and I guess we need to look at the rankings system soon

(2 edits)

The game is addicting af tho.. so fun. But a new ranking system would be a lot better. Cause I dont like to see 6-6 teams in the top 25 or 7-5 teams you know. Even 8-4 teams are in the top 10. Like if a UCF team on here goes 13-0 they might be only ranked 21st or not ranked at all, when they should be around like 7-6 maybe even top 4 depending on how many losses everyone took. Like if a top tier team above them had 2 or 3 losses you know... but 3 is still a lot for a top 10 team

(3 edits)

If you can I would make it like this.. Let's say I'm ranked 18th and u lose to a fresno state that's trash and its only the first game of the season. The next rankings that come out I wouldn't have my team even ranked.. Its different though if u play a top 25,15,10 but don't do it by much and idk if you base the preseason rankings off prestige or what but I would pre-rank teams from how well they did the year before if you know what I'm saying.. like irl, if you lose all your great players to the draft or smth, you move back.. or you come back with most returning players you stay where you are or you move up. But base it off how they did the year before. Idk if you can do this.. but if u can would be very cool.

Some suggestions....

1. Would be cool to show the Recruiting Class Rankings

2. The ranking system needs to be improved, there are negative teams still ranked in the top 25

3.Crashes a-lot and then will delete my game and put me as Akron HC

4.My head coach reputation bar doesnt move after a season

5.Be able to hire your own coordinators based off rating in offseason

Thanks for the input and we will take a look at them. Regarding the Akron HC is that when you load a saved game? if so could you please sent it to

No I try and save the game and it closed, I will load it back up and it pops up with Akron

Also, the conference championship game is decided by who is ranked higher in the divison.. Not counting conference wins and losses.

And... I would determine the rankings based off SOS not just the prestige of a school unless they are playing way harder schools because I don't want teams that shouldn't be in the playoffs now in the playoffs.

The Akron zips glitch also happens when your team makes the national championship game..

Could you sent me that saved game where it pops up with Akron? Then I might be able to figure out where the saving issue is

(1 edit)

Thanks and do you also have the .file?

So I have been playing and love the game. I save the game. Then when I exit the app and reopen it, I can no longer resume where I last was.. Not sure if it is a glitch or not. It opens up to Akron but I cant do anything on the screen. Have to exit the app entirely. Am I doing something wrong?

thanks and this is a known issue which we hope to be able to fix with the next release

when are you thinking the next release will be

In a week or something like that

Would we need to redownload the latest version or is there like an update we can apply to our software?

At the moment you need to download the version each time

0.7.2 doesn't seem to be opening on my computer.

Have you ever been able to run some of the other versions? If not are you sure that .NET Framework is installed and that you malware protection is allowing it?

I have been able to run previous versions. That last I did was 0.5.x

Do you have any new entries in ctfm.log file, and is it a new "installation" you are using? Meaning that you have not copied the new version into the old folder. Also could you check if the game should be running in the Windows Task Manager

Yes new entries in ctfm.log. Yes, new installation. Yes, looks like it should be running in task manager.

You write that it looks like it is running in the task manager, so does it mean that it works? Else please sent me the content of ctfm.log

Could you add a Continue->Sim Season option?

We have added it to the todo-list, and we don't know yet when it will be implemented

Every time I try to start my career, it crashes. Doesn't seem to be a problem with anyone else though, could this just by my computer or even human error?

Are you using the mod pack or do you have anything in the log file (CTFM.log)? And do you have .NET Framework installed?

hey guys, please please make this available on MAC, would love to play. cheers

Hi, we have added to our to-do list that we need to look at a MAC version down the road :-)

Does this game have an easy to download/ easy to use mod that allows real teams to be implemented. Also, is this game available on IOS or laptop computers. Or only PC?

It is PC only and the real teams mod can be downloaded here:

thank you so much. I think this is such an awesome idea. I’m sorry if the more questions are bothersome but I just had two more. Is it in your plan to allow this game to be usable on laptops ? Or have you not considered that quite yet? Also, how are stats in this game. Will they carry over year to year? And if I want to have a pass heavy offense can I make that happen without calling every play? Thank you so much for all the help and again sorry if I’m a bother

That is just ok with the questions :-) 

When you say a laptop what do you mean, because it works on all Windows Laptops?

The player stats will be reset each season, but you will still be able to see the stats from the previous years. For the coaches it will carry over year to year. 

Under the tactics menu you can set how many percentage of running the play calling should be

New update is great.  One issue I am having, my coaches expectation changes over the course of the season causing me to get fired after the first season (has happened twice now.)  For example, the email I receive states I need to win 2 games to meet expectations, but after a few days switches to must qualify for playoff.  

This issue is something which will be fixed for the next release, where the main focus is on updating coaching and expectations :-)

How do you find the CTFM.exe file

Download the game, unzip the file and then you have CTFootballManager.exe, which is the file to run

Hey, the update fixed the last problem and i've been able to play again. I love the game and can't wait for the full version. I have 2 problems i've seen while playing again. 1) While simming games, the 4th quarter will play again. Basically a 5th quarter game but not an overtime game. It happened twice. 2) The first season the bowl games just kinda didn't happen. There were playoff rankings but no games.

Thanks for the input and we are looking into the issues

I can't play the games. Every time I try to go to the scoreboard the game crashes

Could you look in the log file (CTFM.log) and post the content here?

I'm having this issue, v 0.6.02 (first ever download) the log file has 438 lines. Attempted a few games with different teams, same outcome if I managed to click scoreboard. Otherwise had unsolvable depth chart issue, with not enough players at each position so couldn't progress. Any ideas? Is there an old version to revert to that works?

Using the real teams data update too if that helps.

Could you maybe send the log file to since I don't get any issues when playing with that version?

If this comes out on MacOS, I'll gladly pay for it. 

Good to hear and it might :-)

Sometimes a human game will keep repeating the 3&4 quaters

Thanks for the input and we will take a look at it

save doesn't work still . Also the  game tends to crash after the first season. The recruiting is working much better can actually get recruits.  The save also still seems to have the problem of  when opened going to the Akron bulls and not  being able to do anything.   If there is anything i could send to you guys to help fix this let me know. but i think this game is much better now the major fix that i see currently is  saving the game. Along with slowly overtime fine tuning things to make it work to the best of it's ability.

If you could sent the saved files to it would be a huge help. We are currently fixing the issue with the crash after the first season, so that should be covered. Thanks for the help

Saved game in preseason and the practice and polls don't work right its like they dont happen

Thanks for reporting it, and we will fix it before next release

Thanks I love this game yall are doing a great job 


I downloaded the game but can´t open it. 

Do you have .NET Framework installed, and are you sure you have unzipped the files first?

how do I unzip it?

Download a program like 7-zip and that should be enough. Then click on CTFM.exe file

(1 edit)

When you go into a save game your recruiting budget is zero even if you saved and still had budget left. So you can't ever exit a game with out re starting.  Also Recruiting needs to be fixed the game makes it impossible to get any of the recruits that you target. I have had this problem in playing as bigger schools and smaller schools. How  can i keep a winning team when i am getting no recruits.  I have had several recruits with either a high or excellent recruiting rating and then they go and commit to other schools. Also the budget for recruiting needs to be fixed because it makes it impossible for the smaller schools to recruit beyond the seniors because  the important actions cost so much.  If this is not fixed soon i may just stop playing until it is. 

Thanks for the input and we will optimize this for the next release coming out in 14 days

how to go to next day😡😡😡😡😡

When mousing over the continue button you should have the option to either go to next day or next event


So a few comments from my first bit of casual play

- Most recruits at skill positions (mostly on defense) are 6'4" and over.  I don't think i saw a corner, safety, and receivers to name a few.  I'm not sure if this is just my save or overall, because most lineman seem to be around 5'11 to 6'2" and same goes for most other positions.

- A number of states had no pool to recruit from (namely Wisconsin) 

- While the UI is fine, the depth chart is the area that definitely needs work.  At the moment the only thing it marks players for is injury, not suspension.  Additionally because it doesn't show ratings you have to memorize most players on your roster, which is rather daunting for the size of a college team.  An idea could be breaking them up sorta like in madden by position or FM by rating so you can sort them easier?

Those where the big few things that jumped out at me from a quick run through, but overall you guys definitely have a solid foundation!  Can't wait to see how the game comes along in the future ;)

Thank you so much for the inputs which we will try to look at in the next couple of releases :-)

I have found that recruiting is to difficult i had excellent on  a lot of recruits and i  got none of them !! How can i  get more   players if none of them will play for me? Also the game needs to stop on important  high school events not just college. 

We will take a look at both things, so thanks for telling us that something isn't working as planned

how can i edit Players?

At the moment the player names and attributes are totally random, so it is not possible to edit them

Which download file do I pick?

You should start the game by unzipping the file and click the exe-file

ok thanks :)

The game crashes when the first season ends. Also have issues when saving and loading a game. Is there anyway to fix this?

We will take a look at the crash after first season ends, and would it be possible for you to sent us the saved game (to What issues do you have with loading and saving?

And could you also check if you have a file called CTFM.log and if so sent us the content of it?

Percebi que nas imagens do jogo as equipes têm seus logotipos feitos perfeitamente, mas quando eu comecei, os logotipos eram exatamente como letras. Deseja implementar os logotipos em breve?

O que outras pessoas estão dizendo

Sorry I don't understand the question?

he said that he saw the team flag/logo made perfectly but when playing t'was just letters. Do you want to implement the logo/flag properly anytime soon?


The reason we are not using the real logos etc. is because we are afraid of some copyright issues, so we are not sure when/if we will create some better logos.

the game is crashing a lot for me. is anyone else having this problem?

Do you have a log file called CTFM.log with new entries?


Could you post it here or send it to

Do you plan to extend the game by pro football?

At the moment we are focused on College Football only but we will never say never :-)

Ok. That may convince you to create a utility program for generating CSV files to use in the game FOF or DDS: PF?

Hey, some more feedback. I noticed when recruiting, once a recruit gets a certain number of offers you can't offer him because the offer list is too large and you can't scroll to get to make offer

Thanks for the feedback and that will be fixed before next release

I've liked it up to this point, everything I look for in a game! However, in an attempt to start my week 1 game, it said my depth chart had an issue and it couldn't start the game. It didn't tell me the problem or how to fix it. I think I have too many active players (118 oof) but don't see where to fix it. Could you help me please?

In the depth chart you should be able to see which players are injuries, so have you tried to replace those? else we have optimized the depth cahrt for the next release, so it should be  fixed there

Really fantastic work! As soon as we saw that you're Football Manager manager fans we knew we had to play this and weren't disappointed! 

Things we loved:
- It was really easy to jump straight in and start playing, having default tactics and a lineup already set was a big help.
- The GUI is really clean and easy to navigate, and very simplistically stylish.
- The depth of the game is great - with so many attributes for each player you feel like you can endlessly tweak your team to try and affect each game.

- You could add a 'Continue to Next Game' or 'Continue to Next Event' button rather than progressing a single day at a time.
- It'd be great to be able to view reports/breakdowns of previous games by clicking on them in the 'Calendar' screen.
- If basic season stats could be viewed from the 'Squad' screen or 'Depth Chart' screen it would help with roster changes and team selection.

Overall we loved the game, and look forward to playing future updates!


Thank you so much and we will for sure try to implement your feedback :-) 

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